Erb’s Palsy - Tampa Erb's Palsy Attorneys - Action Legal Group

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Erb’s Palsy Lawyers

Erb’s Palsy

The personal injury attorneys from Action Legal Group understand that there are several kinds of injuries that can harm a baby when he or she is born. There is always the risk that the baby can suffer an injury like:

A mild TBI

A mild TBI

Bruising to the face and head due to the use of medical equipment during the birth

Bruising to the face and head due to the use of medical equipment during the birth



Facial paralysis

Facial paralysis

Brachial plexus palsy.

Brachial plexus palsy.

The myriad of potential birth injuries can be further expanded to include conditions like a devastating CP diagnosis. Erb’s palsy is yet another condition that can occur when there is physical injury at the time of delivery and physical symptoms can fall firmly between mild and life-shattering, depending on the severity of the injury suffered.

More About Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy is a nerve disorder that is the result when there is an injury at the time of birth. This condition is one form of brachial plexus palsy that impinges on the function of the nerves that make up the brachial plexus. In the human body, the body your brachial plexus is a group of nerves that start in the spinal cord and form the nerves that allow the shoulder, arm, hands and fingers to function appropriately and feel. In newborns, Erb’s palsy makes itself known in the injured arm in the form of:

Noted weakness in the arm

Noted weakness in the arm

Lack of feeling or sensation in the arm

Lack of feeling or sensation in the arm

Noted difficulty moving the arm.

Noted difficulty moving the arm.

In newborns in which the injury is to the upper nerves composing the brachial plexus, the baby may be unable to move the shoulder but can manipulate his or her fingers.

The Causes of Erb’s Palsy

The birth injury attorneys from Action Legal Group recognize that an injury can occur at any period before a baby has been born or in the weeks immediately following birth. Erb’s palsy is likely to happen during delivery and often when a birth becomes complicated, and force must be exerted to speed removal from the birth canal. This apparently medically necessary action can result in the baby’s neck being stretched and the nerves being stretched, and injured In the process. There is roughly four different types of injuries that can impact the proper function of these nerves.

Neurapraxia is a stretching injury that shocks but does not manage to tear the nerve. This type of injury can heal on its own by the time the baby is 3 months old.

Neuroma is a stretching injury that will damage some nerve fibers and potentially result in scar tissue. The newly formed scar tissue can press on any healthy remaining nerve. Some recovery will occur, but the body will not completely heal itself.

A Rupture is a stretching injury that causes the nerve to become torn. The injury does not heal on its own and will require splicing in a donor nerve graft from another nerve in the baby’s body.

An Avulsion occurs when the nerve is completely ripped from the spinal cord. There is no way to repair a nerve that has been torn from the spinal column.

It is important for parents to understand that Erb’s palsy can and should be prevented when a mother receives the correct medical care during delivery. When the baby is breech or the head or body is too big to fit through the mother’s pelvis, a physician who does his or her job well will schedule a C-section.


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    Action Legal Group Attorneys are consistently recognized as among the best lawyers by their peers and prominent Attorney rating agencies including Super Lawyers, American Association for Justice, Leading Lawyers, Avvo, and others.

    Treatment for Erb’s Palsy

    The symptoms of Erb’s palsyin each infant can run the gamut from weakness and slight discomfort in the impacted arm to complete loss of feeling and crippling pain in injured arm. An infant who has suffered this forceful injury often have an arm that will turns itself inward toward the body, a weakened grip and the arm will either be difficult to use or immobile. Intense physical therapy or surgery may be required to adequately treat the condition.

    The daily physical therapy regimen for a child suffering from Erb’s palsy will include:

    Parent directed activities to keep the impacted joint limber

    Parent directed activities to keep the impacted joint limber

    Parent directed activities to maintain muscle function

    Parent directed activities to maintain muscle function

    Range-of-motion exercises for the shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand, completed multiple times in a day

    Range-of-motion exercises for the shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand, completed multiple times in a day

    Range-of-motion exercises must begin at about 3 weeks of age. Failure of a parent to complete range-of-motion exercises can result in the joint becoming permanently stiff from a condition called joint contracture.

    In severe cases of Erb’s palsy, early medical intervention is necessary if you want your child to regain as much use of his or her arm as possible. Even when there is early medical treatment, your child will likely experience problems for two or more years after birth, including prolonged weakness and a limited range of motion.

    Parents who suspect a child has suffered this birth injury, or notice the symptoms of movement issues in the arm, should talk to a medical professional as soon as possible

    The birth injury attorneys of Action Legal Group do not want to see the children who are injured each year in a preventable incident forced to adapt to a life of pain due to the negligence of a medical professional. The right treatment can be costly and we may be able to help you recover the cost for medical bills, travel, lodging, lost income and additional medical expenses.

    Medical professionals can and should be held responsible for the medical negligence that led to the diagnosis of Erb’s palsy and Action Legal Group can help you accomplish this.


    Our Legal Experts In The News

    Action Legal Group Attorneys are consistently recognized as among the best lawyers by their peers and prominent Attorney rating agencies including Super Lawyers, American Association for Justice, Leading Lawyers, Avvo, and others.